Fashion Show Collections 2025

Him. She. They stumble in the room, dancing with elegance and passion.

He is wearing a tailored suit. She is wrapped in a cloud of organza. Together they float in the magic of their clothes, which accompany, whispering, their movements that attract and move away in a chromatic dialogue of opposites between black and white.

Him. She. Surrounded by a symphony of stuccos and decorations, in an embrace reflected in the marbles in dialogue with the pastel shades of the clothes, the architectural spirals are reflected, translating into processes and colors that stage them as in a fairy tale.

Carlo Pignatelli draws this movement of bodies and souls immersing it in the baroque atmosphere of the Reggia di Venaria Reale at dusk, when the air, stripped of colours, is a game of chiaroscuro that fades from ruby ​​to midnight blue.

Passion, art and fashion come together to create an immersive and unforgettable experience, a new chapter in the history of the Maison.

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